This was probably the shortest commute I'll ever have on a job as this lovely family are just down the road from us!
It was a super special shoot as it was someone's 1 year old birthday and the family wanted to celebrate with getting some 'cake smashing'
photos to remember the occasion. It was a glorious day with the sun shining and blue skies which for March is quite a treat!
They also had some cousins around so more the merrier it was! It was fun getting some relaxed shots of the kids running around
with bubbles and some cute ones of them hanging out in the play house. Bubbles and cake, what more can you wish for for
a birthday photoshoot!
Then with some time left we had some more photos in the home hanging out in the play area. Super loved their beautifully designed
home, all open plan with lots of light and a mix of concrete, steel and wood! Industrial chic, super cool!